Note: there are bright lights and sudden loud noises in some of the pages

You can move through realities through the option button available on the main page, there are four realities to move through, as well as the going home reality (pressing 'New Game'). The slider will stick to one of the four if you attempt to drag it. 

Interaction in each reality:

Reality One (39): Clicking on the atoms causes them to ripple, and they can cause a ripple to other atoms

Reality Two (40): You can pull out the wires, and collide them with other wires and drop them

Reality Three (41): You can drag around the boxes, and the eyes will follow your cursor

Reality Four (42): If you press down, you can spawn particles, which will move freely, but there is a force in the center of the screen that will draw them in - the numbers in the bottom left also correlate to your cursor position, and the menu buttons are hidden in the bottom right (will appear when you hover over them)

New Game/Going Home: If you click anywhere, you can return to reality one


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This is the coolest menu I've ever seen